Christian Religious Knowledge Paper 2, Nov/Dec 2011  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Main
General Comments

SECTION  A:            Themes from the Old Testament


Question 1:     Genesis 2: 4-25



(a)        Highlight the main features of the second account of creation.

(b)        In what two ways is man playing his God given roles.


This question was quite popular and a reasonable number of the candidates that attempted it did very well.  Many emphasised the rebellion against Moses and the restitution of their hope through the miraculous crossing of the Red Sea.

However, some of them failed to use operative words in the narrative, for example, after Pharaoh  let the Israelites to go, he regretted and pursued the Israelites with his chariots.  The complaints of the Israelites that Moses brought them to the wilderness to meet their destruction.

The (b) part of the question was their undoing as majority of the candidates could not give the following answers:

  1. Communing with God through prayers;
  2. Giving to charity in every situation;
  3. By dwelling on the word of God.
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