Physical Education Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2020

Question 3


(a)  State five similarities between long jump and triple jump events in athletics.

(b) List five features of a long distance race.   [10 marks]




Few candidates responded to this question, and their performance was average.
In part (a), majority of the candidates wrote the phases involved in long jump while few of them wrote flight styles.
In part (b), majority of the candidates listed the features of a long distance race.

The expected answers are as follows:

  1. (a) Similarities between long jump and triple jump events in athletics

Both have landing pit/area                                           Both have runway
Both have take-off board                                             Both are field events
Both involve single take-off                                          Both have the same facility
Both have similar rules/explained
Both are jumping events which cover horizontal distance/horizontal jumps
Both need same officials                                                              

(b) Features of a long distance race
It is an open race
It is started with standing start
Not run at full speed/it is an aerobic race
It involves running over curves
Not run on specific lanes
Athletes can only overtake from the right hand side
Many athletes are involved