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Foods & Nutrition Paper 2 , May/June2008  
Questions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Main
General Comments






(a) List four factors that make meals appealing
(b)Explain the term table wares and give four examples.
(c)State two examples of table linens.
(d) Differentiate between family service and plate service.


Candidates were expected to list factors that make meals appealing in part (a), only few of them could answer properly because of the word appealing that they could not understand. Parts (b) and (c) were candidates strengths as they were able to tackle the questions correctly. Only few candidates wrote good answers to part (d) of this question while majority of them could not show any difference by comparing the two services
with each other.

The expected answers are:

(a) Factors that makes meals appealing
(1) Appearance
(2) Flavour
(3) Colour
(4) Texture
(5) Temperature
(6) Size
(7) Shape

(b)   Explanation of table ware
(i) table wares are all items
(ii) Examples - Plates cutlery, flatware, glassware, centerpiece,napkins, serviette, cruets plate mats; glass covers
Example of table linen - 'napkins, placemats, tablecloth, tray cloth, serviette covers

Difference between family and plate services
In family service food is brought to the table in bowl and on serving platters :which are    passed from person to person while the table is with appropriate flatware and napkin for each dinner. While in plate service: food is served on plares in the kitchen and brought to the table.

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