Geography Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2020

Question 4

  1. Draw a sketch map of Nigeria.

On the map, show and name:

  1. The Rainforest Belt;
  2. The Sahel Savannah Belt;
  3. Ibadan.
  4. Outline three characteristics of the Rainforest Belt;
  5. In what four ways is the rainforest vegetation important to the economy of Nigeria?

The question was popularly attempted by the candidates and many of those who attempted it performed poorly because they failed to draw good sketch maps of Nigeria and consequently were unable to locate the Rainforest Belt, the Sahel Savanna Belt and Ibadan. Drawing good sketch maps is a prerequisite to locating features on maps. The (b) and (c) components of the question were correctly answered by most of those who attempted the question.