Tourism Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2023

Question 7

Outline any two marketing strategies in tourism business

This question was problematic to some candidates. Many candidates confused marketing strategies with marketing promotion and therefore could not answer it properly who attempted it performed very well and scored high marks. However, some candidates misunderstood the question. Candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question.

            Marketing strategies in Tourism business

  • Segmentation is a technique that involves dividing the market into a group of likeminded people with similar need
  • Mass marketing: it is an attempt to appeal to the entire audience with one basic and single product with the use of mass media. This technique ignores market segmentation
  • Niche marketing: it aims at dividing the market into specialized areas for which particular Products are made or focuses on specific group of audience

NOTE: Any 2 points well explained   (a) 2 marks each = 4 marks) mere listing @ 1 mark each = (2 marks)