Literature-In-English Paper 3 WASSCE (PC), 2022

Question 7


    Discuss the theme of family bonding in the play.



This was not a popular question. Most candidates only commented on the birth and character of Raynell. His contribution to the plot was left out.  
The requirements of this question include the following:

  • Identify the theme of racial discrimination in America of the 1950s. For the African American, family bonding is key to their survival.
  • Identification of families in the play: Troy Maxson’s family and Bono’s family.
  • Bonding in the Troy family: Troy is father, husband and breadwinner. He works hard to keep the family together. Rose reciprocates by giving Troy all her love, having had unhappy past relationships with men. Troy gradually builds the fence Rose badly wants. Bono and Lucille enjoy a happy marriage.
  • Bonding challenges: Troy engages in an extra marital affair with Alberta. Troy confesses his wrong doing, but he has done irreparable damage to the relationship. Troy’s relationship with Cory is strained by his refusal to sign the papers to enable him gain a football scholarship.
  • Overcoming the challenges: Rose accepts Raynell and acts as a rallying force. All the family members attend Troy’s funeral, including Gabe and Bono. A once challenged family bonds again

Candidates’ performance in the question was fair.