Literature-In-English Paper 3 WASSCE (PC), 2021

Question 12


What does the poet say about love in the poem, The Good Morrow?



This is a popular question. The poet is of the view that the love he shares with his loved one will be eternal.  As he puts it, ‘if our two loves be one, or thou and I Love so alike, that none do slacken, none can die’. However, the responses of candidates lack textual references.
The requirements of the question include:

  • Statement of the theme.
  • This new love is a meeting of souls: it is love not based on fear, it is love that is focused and self-sufficient, it is not excited by the affairs of the world
  • The quality of this new love is that: it is transparent, it is knit together by true plain hearts, it is a perfect conjunction of two souls.

Candidates’ performance in the question was fair.