Government 2,Nov/Dec 2018

Question 9


(a)        Highlight three objectives of Nigeria’s National DemocraticParty (NNDP) in 1923.
(b)        Identify two factors that contributed to the failure of the party.


This was an unpopular question. The performance of the candidates who answered it was below average as they to understand its demands. Some candidates did not score good marks in part (b) because of skimpy answers. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question:

(a)        Objectives of Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP) in 1923

  1. To fight for the four seats allocated to Nigerians in the newly constituted Legislative Council.
  2. To secure municipal status and local self-government for Lagos.
  3. To provide facilities for higher education in Nigeria.
  4. To provide compulsory education at the primary school level.
  5. The party also aimed at identifying itself with the demands and interests of the people.
  6. To establish branches in other parts of the country apart from Lagos.
  7. To fight for the Africanization of the Civil Service.
  8. To ensure free and fair trade in Nigeria and equal treatment for Nigerian traders and producers.


(b)(i)    The party was not national in character as its activities were limited/restricted to Lagos.
(ii)        The withdrawal of Herbert Macaulay from the party to join Nnamdi Azikiwe in the NCNC affected the fortune of the party.
(iii)       The emergence and the dynamism of the Nigerian Youth Movement led to the collapse of Nigerian National Democratic Party (NNDP).
(iv)       The newspaper being used to project the image of the party, i.e. The Lagos Daily was poorly funded.

(v)The character of Macaulay did not appeal to some of the members of the party because of his autocratic nature.

(vi)The party was dominated by foreign based Nigerians.