Government 2,Nov/Dec 2018

Question 2


(a)        What is a state?
(b)        Highlight four characteristics of a state.



This was a popular question and many of the candidates who answered the question performed above average. They understood the demands of the question and   scored high marks. Some candidates failed in part (b) because of skimpy answers. However, the candidates were expected to write the following points in order to score high marks:
(a)        A state is a politically organized group of people living in a defined  geographical area with an organized government.

(b)(i)     Government:  this is machinery through which the will of the people in the state is formulated and realized /implemented.
(ii)        Territory/Geographical area: a state must have a define boundary that  separates it from other states.
(iii)       Sovereignty:  this is the power of the state to make and enforce laws and take decisions without interference from within and outside the state.
(iv)       Population: a state must have people living in it.
(v)        Recognition: a state must be recognized both internally and externally.
(vi)       Permanence: a must be permanent. A state is not something that exists today and disappears tomorrow, it is only government that changes but the state is permanent.
(vii)      Constitution: a state must have a constitution which is a body of rules and regulations that govern the conduct of both the rulers and the ruled.