Leather Goods Manufacturing And Repairs Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 6


(a)        Differentiate between an entrepreneur and entrepreneurship?
(b)        Explain any three qualities of a good leathercraft entrepreneur.




Few candidates attempted this question, majority of whom scored relatively high marks. Candidates interpreted the demands of the (a) and (b) parts of the question correctly. 


Candidates were expected to state thus to score maximum marks in this question.

(a)        An entrepreneur is a person who organizes and manages a business enterprise and assumes much of the associated risks and profits.

            While entrepreneurship is the skillful capacity and willingness to manage a business   successfully or the efficiency to plan and man a venture with the intention to maximize                profit and minimize risk.

(b)       (i)      Efficiency: A good leather craft entrepreneur must be capable and  knowledgeable enough to manage the business successfully.
(ii)     Prudence: A good leather craft entrepreneur must be wise and intelligent to take decisions    that will move the business forward.
(iii)    Good planning: A good leather craft entrepreneur must be well versed in the leather  industry so as to plan the logistics for production, sales and finances efficiently.
(iv)    Receptivity: A good leather craft entrepreneur must be open to new ideas and innovation about the business and be teachable.
(v)     Risk taker: A good leather craft entrepreneur must be sound enough to take calculated risk       
(vi)    Initiation: An entrepreneur must possess the capability to initiate new innovative ideas to his work.
(vii)   Customer focus: An entrepreneur should ensure that the interest of customers in getting the best service remains paramount.
(viii)  Creativity: An entrepreneur should have creative ideas that could enhance his business.
(ix)    Good Communication Skill: An entrepreneur should have a good communication with his or her customers to foster better relationship.