Leather Goods Manufacturing And Repairs Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 1


Explain any five of the following techniques used in decorating leather articles:
(a)        appliqué;
(b)        stamping;
(c)        stitching;
(d)       carving;
(e)        embroidery;
(f)        dyeing.





This question was attempted by many candidates. The question required the candidates to explain any five of the decorating techniques listed above. Most candidates were able to adequately explain these techniques; however few of them omitted the relevant keywords in their explanation. Majority of the candidates who attempted this question scored above average marks.


The candidates were expected to provide the following answers to score higher marks.

(a)        Appliqué:     This is a process of fixing pieces of different shapes, sizes, colours of leather on a                      larger piece of leather as a picture or decoration.

(b)       Stamping:     This is a process of creating an imprint on a cased leather surface by using shaped    tools with the aid of mallet.

(c)        Stitching:      This is an act of sewing pieces of leather using thread and needle. It is also a                process of decorating the edges of leather articles with thread and needle.

(d)       Carving:       This involves the use of metal implements to cut and press a moistened leather
surface so as to give a three dimensional appearance to a two dimensional surface.                      Tools used include swivel knives, veiner, beveller, pear shader, etc.

(e)        Embroidery: This is the process of decorating a leather surface with thread and needle using
hand or machine.

(f)        Dyeing:         This involves the application of spirit or alcohol based dyes into moistened leather                      carrying the pigment deep into the leather.