Leather Goods Manufacturing And Repairs Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 3


(a)        What is thonging?
(b)        List any three thonging tools.
(c)        Highlight any five steps in thonging.




This question was quite popular among the candidates, majority of whom scored below average marks. Most candidates were unable to define thonging in the (a) part; they however performed well in the (b) part of the question which required that they mention three thronging tools. Majority of the candidates were unable to provide the steps in thonging in the (c) part of the question.


Candidates were expected to answer thus to obtain maximum marks:

(a)        Thonging is a decorative means of joining pieces of leather together with strips of leather usually by hand stitching. It is also called lacing.
(b)       (i)         Clamp
(ii)        Thonging chisel
(iii)       Hole punches
(iv)       Punch pliers
(v)        Rawhide mallet
(vi)       Stylus
(vii)      Pliers
(viii)     Lacing fid
(ix)       Dividers or Adjustable creaser
(x)        Needles
(xi)       Rotary punch/Revolving punch

(c)        (i)         The work should be positioned in the clamp or lacing pony with the front side of the   work facing the lacer.
(ii)        Work from left to right if you are right-handed and right to left if you are left-handed.
(iii)       Pay careful attention to which side of the grain (shiny side) of the leather you are   thonging before each insertion.
(iv)       Use stylus or lacing fid to enlarge all holes before inserting the needle; the chisel may pierce the leather, but not sufficiently to accommodate the needle girth.
(v)        Work slowly and steadily until the relevant stitch type is mastered.
(vi)       If in doubt about which stitch to use, test out several on scrap pieces of leather first before deciding.
(vii)      When thonging lightweight leather, take care to keep the leather flat at the edges during the process.
(viii)     When concluding thonging, tap the threaded areas with a hide mallet to smooth out any uneven spots.