Fisheries Paper 3 Alt B, WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 4


  1. State three maintenance practices that should be carried out on specimen K.  [3 marks]
  2. State three uses of specimen L in fishing.                                                         [3 marks]
  3. State one function each of specimens M and N.                                                [2 marks]
  4. (i) Mention three types of specimen Q.

(ii) Name four materials that could be used in mending specimen Q.               [7 marks]




This question was attempted by many candidates and their performances were generally good. Ambiguity in answers and wrong spellings however led to loss of vital marks.


The expected answer is as follows:

(a)        Maintenance of specimen K (wire mesh)

-           scrape old fish particles from the mesh
-           remove smoke tar
-           wash after use
-           dry in a cool environment
-           grease /oil and
-           keep in a cool/dry place if not in use/do not keep in the rain

(b)        Uses of specimen L (Twine) in fishing

-           for construction of net
-           for fishing gear construction
-           for mending fishing net
-           for mounting net on head rope
-           for mounting net on foot rope




(c)        Function of specimens M (Float) and N (Lead/weight)

            Specimen M (float)

-           allows easy location of net/line
-           allows the net to stay afloat
-           keeps net/line in shape

Specimen N (Lead/weight)

-           allows the net to sink to the bottom of the water
-           keeps the fishing net in shape

(d)       (i)         Types of specimen Q (Canoe)

-           planked canoe
-           dugout canoe/flat bottom
-           fibre glass canoe/dinghy
-           aluminium canoe        

            (ii)        Materials for mending specimen Q (Canoe)

-           plank
-           nail
-           hammer
-           aluminium(shell)
-           fibre glass (shell)
-           caulking thread
-           adhesive/gum
-           wood dust
-           zinc
-           sand paper