Fisheries Paper 3 Alt B, WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 3


  1. List five steps involved in the production of specimen G.                             [5 marks]
  2. State four uses of specimen H in fish processing.                             [4 marks]
  3. State two functions of specimen Jin fish processing.                          [2 marks]
  4. State four roles of specimen K in fish processing.                                          [4 marks]        



This question was attempted by many candidates and their performance was good. Many candidates had weakness in outlining steps in the production of smoked fish especially in sequential order as required in Question 3(a). Questions 3(b), (c) and (d).


The expected answers are as follows: 

(a)        Steps involved in the production of specimen G (smoked fish)

-           weighing
-           washing of fish
-           scaling
-           gutting
-           washing / cleaning
-           removal of fins
-           salting / spicing
-           staking/pitting/folding/coiling
-           arrange on smoking tray
-           place in already fueled smoking kiln/place in a smoking kiln with prepared heat source
-           turn as required
-           smoke until dry

(b)        Uses of specimen H (Knife) in fish processing

-           for scaling/removal of scale
-           gutting
-           cutting of fish
-           cutting of sticks
-           filleting/slicing
-           removal of fins
-           fish preparation (could be scored if candidate did not list any of the earlier 
mentioned points)

(c)        Functions of specimen J (Charcoal) in fish processing

-           generates heat/provide energy
-           enhances drying
-           generates smoke/flavouring/add taste
-           generates brownish colour/makes it brown/adds colour
-           adds preservative       

(d)       Roles of specimen K (wire mesh) in fishing processing

-           allows water to drain from the fish/enhance drying
-           allows oil to drain from the fish
-           helps minimize damage to fish
-           allows circulation/passage of heat
-           holds fish during smoking
-           allows easy access to fish for turning during smoking