Building construction Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2023

Candidate's Weakness and Remedies


  The following weaknesses were observed from the candidates’ response:
-           poor sketching of tingle plate and spirit level in pictorial view;
            -           failure to state correctly the advantages of conducting site investigations;

  •       poor sketching of symbols;
  •       identifying the types of windows.

To overcome these weaknesses, candidates should be well exposed to:

  • habit of reading building text books, dictionariesfor the purpose of   their own study as well as their past question papers together with the  
    outlined examination syllabus;

-  practicals by giving them opportunities to go out to see construction going on site, as it will help them identify different kind of windows;
-  sketching and labeling of parts should be given on daily bases.  In addition the student should be given opportunity to go for industrial training for one month during their long vacation.