building construction Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2023

Question 4


(a)    Describe each of the following drainage systems.
            (i)         separate system;
            (ii)        combine system.

(b) Explain how a roof is protected against each of the following weather elements.

i Wind;

ii Lightning.

(c) List three types of finishes suitable for internal wall surfaces of a domestic building:



Some candidates were able to:
-           List three types of finishes suitable for internal wall surfaces of a domestic building:

However, most of them failed to:

            -     Describe separate and combine drainage systems.

  • List any three components of a complete water closet.

The expected response to question 4 (a) and (b) is as given below:

(a)  Describing each of the following:

  1. Separate System;

In this system, the rain water is kept separate from the foul water from the house. The rainwater is collected and either discharged into water tanks to be used later or discharged into a course. Where rainfall is scanty, the system is of great benefit.

2 Combine system.

In this system, water from the roofs and pared areas together with the effluent of sanitary fittings are collected together and discharged into sewer. Storm water gives an efficient flushing to the drain.