building construction Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 1


(a)        Explain the use of each of the following in relation to setting out    
(i)         building line;
(ii)        pegs for setting out
(b)       State three reasons for using a stepped strip foundation:
(i)        cement;
(ii)        crushed stones;
(iii)       sand.
(c)       Sketch a pictorial view of a spirit level


 Most candidates were able to:
-           Explain the use of each of the following in relation to setting out    
(i)         building line;
(ii)        pegs for setting out

-           State three reasons for using a stepped strip foundation:
(i)        cement;
(ii)        crushed stones;
(iii)       sand.

                        However, some of them were not able to:
-           Sketch a pictorial view of a spirit level
The expected response to question 1(c) is as given below: