Physical Education Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 6


(a)       Mention the three main types of muscles in humans. [3 marks]
(b)       State three effects of exercise on humans.  [3 marks]
(c)       Enumerate four functions of blood in humans.  [4 marks]



This question was attempted by many candidates and their performance was fair. In part (a) the candidates correctly mentioned main types of muscles in humans. Yet, few candidates missed the question they wrote wrong answers such as; muscular muscles, biceps, triceps leg muscle e.t.c.  In part (b) they did well in it. In part (c) majority of the candidates correctly enumerated functions of blood in humans.


The expected answers are as follow:
(a) Types of muscle
-voluntary /skeletal/striated/stripped
-cardiac/heart muscle

(b) Effects of exercise on humans
-it increases resistance to disease/illness
-the heart beat increase/heart beat faster
-the quality of blood pumped at each heart beat/stroke volume/cardiac output
-increases endurance
-improves physical fitness
-increases the rate of breathing/respiration
-muscle development
-it improves general health/explained

(c) Functions of blood
-it protects the body/fight against diseases
-transports antibodies
-it assists in transporting oxygen
-transport heat from the liver to all parts of the body
-transports waste products
-transports minerals and vitamins

  -aids in blood clotting