Literature-In-English Paper 2 WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2021

Question 3


WOLE SOYINKA: The Lion and the Jewel

Discuss the contributions of the cameraman in the play




The requirement of this question is to discuss the contributions of the cameraman in the play. Most candidates were able to meet the demands of the question.
A good response should contain:

  • The theme of Clash of cultures i.e. conflict between tradition and modernity constitutes the theme of the play.
  • Character identification: the cameraman is a stranger to Ilujinle. He is said to have ridden on a motorbike to Ilujinle. He is a photo journalist.
  • Purpose of the cameraman’s visit: The cameraman as a tourist is attracted to the village of Ilujinle by its beautiful rural setting. He takes interest in Sidi’s beauty and takes pictures of her, the Bale and the public toilet.
  • The significance of his visit: the visit is responsible for making Sidi popular. It gives Sidi a new power of confidence and she becomes contemptuous. It projects the village in an international magazine. It increases Baroka’s jealousy for Lakunle and his admiration for Sidi. It puts Baroka in the mood for a new wife. It opens a new epoch in the life of Ilujinle.
  • The outcome of the visit: `the triumph of tradition over modernity is portrayed through the way and manner the lion (Baroka) conquers the jewel (Sidi) irrespective of Lakunle’s vested interest in her. It is the cameraman’s pictures that ironically turn the table on Lakunle who is a caricatured representative of modernity.

Candidates’ performance was commendable.