Leather Goods Manufacturing And Repairs Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 5


(a)        What is thonging?
(b)        List three thonging tools.
(c)        Highlight any five steps for thonging.



In this question, candidates were required to define thonging, list three thonging tools and to explain any five steps for thonging in the (a), (b) and (c) parts respectively. Overall performance in this question was poor. Candidates’ were defining lacing rather than thonging in the (a) part of the question. Many of them were able to state some tools appropriate for thonging but couldn’t explain steps involved in thonging in the (b) and (c) parts of the question.
            Candidates were expected to provide the following answers to score maximum marks in this question.

(a)        Thonging is a means of joining and decorating pieces of leather with strips of leather usually
by hand. It is also called lacing.


(i)          Clamp.
(ii)         Thonging chisel.
(iii)        Round punch.
(iv)        Rotary punch.
(v)         Rawhide mallet.
(vi)        Stylus.
(vii)       Pliers.
(viii)       Lacing fid.
(ix)        Dividers/Adjustable creasers.
(x)         Needles.


(i)          Cut the thongs to be used from a piece of leather.
(i)          Place the pieces of leather to be laced or decorated in correct position.
(ii)         Mark the points to be thonged.
(iii)        Perforate the lacing holes with the appropriate tool.
(iv)        Position the pieces of leather on the clamp or lacing pony with the front side of the work facing the lacer.
(v)         Enlarge all holes with stylus or lacing fid before inserting the needle.
(vi)        Insert the thong on the needle and start thonging; ensuring that the appropriate side
of the thong is inserted.
(vii)       When lacing is concluded, tap the thonged areas with a raw-hide mallet to smooth out
any uneven spot.