Insurance WASSCE (SC), 2017

Question 5

Candidates were asked to define reinsurance and explain four essential features of insurable interest.


The performance of the candidates on this question was poor.

Some of the responses expected from the candidates are:
5 (a)     Reinsurance is a process where the risk already assumed by a direct insurer is placed with another insurer known as the reinsurer which has no direct link with the insured.


5 (b)     Essentials of insurable interest:

  1. there must be property, life, potential liability, etc. which is capable of being
  2. such property, life or legal liability, etc. must be the subject matter of insurance;
  3. the insured must stand in a relationship with the subject matter of insurance
    whereby he will benefit from its safety and prejudiced by its destruction;
  4. the relationship between the insured and the subject matter must be recognised at