Home Management Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2020

Question 3


(a) Enumerate motivation for Home Management.

(b) Define one of the motivations.

(c) Discuss the relationships that exist among the motivations.





Majority of the candidates performed excellently and the question was widely attempted by the candidates and they were able to answer the questions correctly and it was one of their strength. But the ‘c' part was not well attempted by Majority of the candidates, they were unable to explain the relationship between the motivations. Therefore, they lost marks. The expected answers for the relationships are: They are all reasons for our actions; There are needs to be met, the ways those needs are met depends on one’s value; Standard set are measures for goal attainment; Based on value and needs one set goals as objectives to be achieved; Standard set show how well one has attained set goals based on one’s needs and value.