Home Management Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2020

Question 2


(a) Explain why the following group of people are classified as people with special nutritional needs.

  1. toddler.
  2. adolescent;
  3. manual worker;
  4. pregnant woman;
  5. adults.




This question posed some difficulties as majority of the candidates’ could not write the
various nutritional needs of the people with specials needs. Therefore the candidates were
unable to answer the question correctly and they performed woefully. The expected answers are: Toddler :-They are still growing and active/ they show rapid growth and development because of their active nature, they expend a great amount of energy. Therefore they need a lot of proteinous and carbohydrates food for growth and energy, Adolescent:-This is a period of rapid growth, development and great activities. This “spurt”in growth demands proper feeding. The adolescent girl need iron rich food because of menstruation and boys need a lot of carbohydrate food for energy. All adolescent needs protein rich food, Manual worker:-They need a lot of energy to carry out their work. Therefore, a manual worker requires an increase intake of energy giving food/carbohydrate so as to meet the energy requirements; Pregnant woman:-This is because they have to provide for the nutritional needs of the developing foetus. Therefore, they need the entire nutrient, but most especially proteins, vitamins and minerals; Adults:-They require adequate nutrition for the maintenances of body processes and their everyday activities of life. The adequacy of nutrition is regulated by their special health status and the level of adulthood.