Government 2,Nov/Dec 2021

Question 2


Identify five factors that limit the powers of the executive in a democratic state.



This was a popular question and was attempted by most of the candidates. The performance of the candidates who attempted it was good as they really understood its demands in. The candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question.


  1. Provisions of the constitution/Constitutional restraints.
  2. An independent judiciary.
  3. International sanctions, bans, boycotts, embargoes etc.
  4. Principle of Separation of Powers.
  5. Checks and balances.
  6. Consent of the governed.
  7. Existence of a multiparty system/party system in operation.
  8. Existence of a vibrant opposition.
  9. An independent and vibrant media.
  10.  Activities of civil society organizations.
  11. Control by the public/electorate/political sovereignty.