Government 2,Nov/Dec 2021

Question 1


Outline five ways citizens participate in a democratic system of    government.



This was the most popular and a straight forward question. All the candidates who attempted it performed very well and scored high marks. Candidates were expected to provide the following answers to the question.


  1. Voting at elections.
  2. Run for office//contesting elections
  3. Holding political or public office.
  4. Volunteering to serve in any political capacity.
  5. Serve as a juror.
  6. Contribute financially to a course/funding political activity.
  7. Engaging in community service/community support.
  8. Active participation in public decision making.
  9. Be an active member of a political party or civil society organization.
  10. Organizing strikes and demonstrations/Engaging in pressure group activities.
  11. Blog about local and national issues/Discussing and analyzing of public affairs.
  12. Defense of the provisions of the constitution.