Garment Making Paper 3, WASSCE (SC), 2023

Question 3


They were required to

  1. Rearrange step by step the procedures in making back stitch.

(i) Take a stitch back, bring the needle out again a little away along the same line.
(ii) Place the right side of the pieces of the fabric together.
(iii) End with a double stitch.
(iv) Fasten on the thread and take one stitch at a time.


  1. Identify the layed pattern pieces labelled I, II, III, IV, V and VI



In question 3(a) many candidates performed very well and scored highly. They were able to rearrange step by step the procedures in making back stitch In question 3(b) many candidates were not  able identify the layed pattern pieces labelled  correctly. The expected answers are:


  1. Bodice back/back bodice
  2. Bodice front/front bodice
  3. Skirt back
  4. Skirt front
  5. Facing
  6. Sleeve