Garment Making Paper 2, WASSCE (SC), 2023

Question 3


They were required to:
(a)        Define frills.
(b)        draw a dress with frills at the hemline
(c)        (i)  mention ways of attaching frills to a garment,
(ii) Outline sections on a garment where frills can be attached.



In question 3(a), b and c (i), candidates’ performance was low. Frills are strips of fabric, lace or ribbon tightly gathered or pleated on one edge and applied to a garment.The expected diagram of a dress with frills at the hemline is:


A drawing of a dress  Description automatically generated with medium confidence

The expected ways of attaching frills to a garment include:

  1. stitch two lines of straight wide machine stitch along the width of the strip;
  2. draw up the gathers to the required length of frills/work even pleats along the width of the strip;
  3. join to the corresponding section with a seam and neaten the raw edges.

In question 3 (c) (ii), candidates were able to answer it correctly and scored high marks. The overall performance of the candidates in this question 3 is poor.