Clothing and Textiles 2, WASSCE (PC), 2017

Candidates' Weakness

Stated below is a summary of candidates’ weaknesses:

  • they were unable to express themselves in simple and clear language in question
  •  terms such as stay stitching, under stitching could not be differentiated 1(a).
  • Sketching and labeling of skirt patterns and necklines was not correctly done in question 3(a).
  •  terms such as singing, degumming, habiting were wrongly explained in question 4(a)

The following suggestions should be adapted in order to overcome the weaknesses:

  • Candidates should devote more time on their studies.
  • The candidates should attend classes and participate in all practical activities.
  • They should use more of sewing equipment and buy practical books and other relevant textbooks.
  • Teachers should teach by demonstrating and involving learners in practical activities, so that they can utilize the knowledge to answer theoretical questions.