Civic Education Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2023


Question 2


(a) Define traffic regulations.    


(b) State six reasons for the persistence of traffic congestion on the Nigerian



A large percentage of candidates performed above average in this question. Points expected of candidates include;


(a)        Definition of Traffic Regulations
Traffic regulations are set of laws/codes which guide and control the behaviour or actions of all road users in order to prevent accidents and enhance free flow of traffic.

(b)     Reasons for persistence of traffic congestion on Nigerian roads

  1. Bad condition/poor maintenance of roads by government
  2. Inadequate access roads
  3. Faulty vehicles on the road
  4. Disobedience to traffic regulations/signs
  5. Disobedience to orders of traffic officials
  6. Poor maintenance/bad conditions of vehicles/unworthy road vehicles
  7. Indiscriminate parking of vehicles on the road