Animal Husbandry Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 1


    (a)    State six activities that could be carried out in the brooding of chicks.         [6 marks]
    (b)    Explain each of the following management practices in poultry production:
            (i)         deworming;
            (ii)        culling;
            (iii)       debeaking;
            (iv)       delousing.                                                                                            [8 marks]
   (c)     State four signs of ill health in poultry.       [4 marks]
   (d)    Mention two organs in the circulatory system of farm animals.       [2 marks]




While most candidates were able to answer questions 1(a), (b) and (c), majority could not explain the management practices in poultry production. Furthermore, few candidates were mentioning activities relating to rearing chickens rather than brooding of chicks in question

The expected answers include:          
(a) Activities that could be carried out in the brooding of chicks

            -           Disinfect brooder house/sanitation
-           Remove chicks from transportation box
-           Inspect the chicks for fitness
-           Introduce heat source
-           Observe the behaviour of birds in relation to heat and make adjustments
-           Change litter appropriately
-           Provide feed adlibitum
-           Provide water adlibitum
-           Clean and wash drinkers and feeders
-           Gradually increase the space available to chicks as they grow older
-           Administer appropriate vaccination and drugs
-           Provide adequate ventilation in brooder house
-           Provide adequate illumination
-           Inspect chicks regularly to remove dead ones
-           Separate/cull weak birds
-           Gradually decrease the temperature as birds grow older
-           Culling of chicks
-           Provide wood shavings/spread wood shavings

(b)        Explanation of management practices in poultry production
(i)         Deworming
-           Use of drugs to eliminate endoparasite
-           It is done at six weeks of age and repeated every three months
-           It can be done through injection or oral administration

(ii)        Culling
-           Removal of unproductive/unwanted birds from the flock either for sale or disposal
-           Culled birds are never returned

(iii)       Debeaking
-           This is the partial cutting/trimming of the upper beak when the bird is 8 – 10 weeks old
-           It is done with a debeaker/knife/scalpel/blade
-           It is done to prevent cannibalism and egg pecking
-           It is mostly useful in cocks and layers

(iv)       Delousing
-           It is the removal of lice from the body of birds
-           It is done by dusting or careful dipping of birds in insecticide or by oral
administration or injection     

(c)                    Signs of ill health in poultry
-           Reduced appetite/feed intake             -           Isolation
-           Emaciation                                          -           Discolouration of droppings
-           Dull appearance of wattle and comb  -           Coma
-           Reduced egg production                     -           Constipation
-           Huddling of chicks                              -           Anaemia
-           Diarrhoea                                            -           Twisted neck
-           Ruffled feathers                                  -           Swollen body e.g. leg, head
-           Occular discharge/eye discharge        -           Coughing
-           Difficult breathing                              -           Excessive salivation
-           Drooping of wings


(d)       Organs in the circulatory system of farm animals
-           Heart
-           Arteries/blood vessels
-           Veins/blood vessels
-           Capillaries/blood vessels