Civic Education Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2023

Question 7


Explain five functions of public service in Nigeria.



Candidates’ performance in this question was commendable. Majority of the candidates attempted this question and those who attempted it did justice to the topic. On average, the performances of candidates were above average. Points candidates were to take note of are



  1. Provision of technical/expert advice to government
  2. Preparation and implementation of budgets
  3. Serves as intermediary between government and the people/agent of government in dissemination of information to the public about the activities of government thus; promoting accountability, transparency as well as popular participation of citizens in governance
  4. Contributes to the law making process
  5. Generation of taxes/revenue for government
  6. Provision of social/essential services to the public at cheaper rates/social welfare
  7. Provision of employment opportunities