Civic Education Paper 2 Aug./Sept. 2022



Question 3


(a) What is national consciousness?

(b) Explain six ways national consciousness can be promoted in Nigeria.



This was a popular question. Majority of the candidates who attempted it demonstrated good mastery of the subject matter. They understood the demands of the question. They performed creditably well and scored high marks in it. They easily related this question to their everyday experiences as individuals living and interacting in the society. They were also able to identify reasons that can cause a rift between individuals as well as ways of resolving such rifts. Additional points candidates should have listed are


(a)        Meaning of National Consciousness

National consciousness is a strong sense or feeling of attachment to one’s country over and above every other considerations, interests or peculiarities for the promotion of her common welfare or development.

(b)        Ways National Consciousness can be promoted in Nigeria

  1. Inculcating right values, morals and discipline in the citizens
  2. Inculcating sound moral and religious beliefs in the citizens
  3. Encouraging justice and fairness among citizens
  4. Public enlightenment and sensitization on the importance of civic/societal values
  5. Encouraging national unity and understanding through healthy competitions, politics, sports, festivals, etc.
  6. Placing national interest above personal interest/patriotism
  7. Encouragement of citizens’ participation in community development
  8. Emulating exemplary leadership qualities