Plumbing and Pipe Fitting 2, WASSCE (SC), 2021

Question 3


(a)        Describe how a chain wrench is used on pipe.
            (b)        List two types of pipe cutters.
            (c)        List six fittings for mild steel pipe:
            (d)       Explain how pipe wrench should be maintained.





Most of the candidates were able to:

  • list two types of pipe cutters.
  • list six fittings for mild steel pipe;
  • list four sections of a conventional flue for a gas boiler.

However, some of them could not:
-      describe how a chain wrench is used on pipe
-      explain how pipe wrench should be maintained.

 The required responses to question 3 (a) and (d)is given below.

3 (a)   Description of how a chain wrench is used on pipe.
Adjustment is achieved by passing the chain around the pipe, inserting it into the sides of 
the jaws. When pressure is applied to the handle, the jaws and chain grip and turn the pipe.                                                            
(d)    Explanation on how a pipe wrench should be maintained:
-           wire brushing to remove any clogging in the jaws of the wrench;
-           application of lubricating oil to prevent rust.
-           painting of the handle in order to prevent atmospheric corrosion.