Physics Paper 3A WASSCE (SC), 2023

General Comments



The standard of the papers (PHYSICS 3A and 3B) compared favourably with the previous years. The questions were well-crafted and easy to understand, with clear rubrics and explicit language. The marking scheme was also well done and easy to follow, with high coverage of the syllabus.

The focus of the paper was on testing the candidates’ ability to use simple apparatus to generate data, carry out simple manipulation of the data obtained, plot and interpret graphs, and make deductions from the experiments. All the domains of assessment were adequately covered, including the candidates’ ability to set up simple experiments, carry out the experimental procedure, show an understanding of the theoretical background behind the experiments, collect and analyze data, as well as make necessary deductions from the experiments.

The mean score of the candidates was 29 out of 50, with a standard deviation of 07.28 and a candidature of 846,875. This performance was found to be comparable to that of WASSCE for School Candidates 2022, which had a raw mean score of 29 out of 50 marks, a standard deviation of 08.37, and a candidature of 801,212. Overall, the standard of the papers was commendable, and the candidates' performance was impressive.