Physics (Essay) Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

General Comments



The standard of the paper compared favorably with the previous years in terms of the concepts tested and skills measured. The questions were well structured and of good quality. The paper tested the candidates in the following areas:

  • Recall of the definitions of terms and statements of the laws;
  • Understanding of the fundamental theories of Physics;
  • Comprehension of the relationship between physical quantities;
  • Description of experimental procedures and;
  • Handling of simple graphical representation.

The questions were well framed in simple language. The rubrics were not ambiguous and the marking schemes were quite clear and detailed.

The time allotted for the paper was adequate. The performance of the candidates was higher than WASSCE for School Candidates 2017. This year paper recorded candidature of 728924 with raw mean score of 26 out of 60 and standard deviation of 09.80 as compared to WASSCE for School Candidates 2017 with a raw mean score of 15 out of 60 and standard deviation of 08.43 with candidature of 704504.