Literature-In-English Paper 3 WASSCE (PC), 2023

Question 4                  WOLE SOYINKA: The Lion and the Jewel
Discuss Lakunle as a comic character.

This question requires candidates to carefully examine how Lakunle is portrayed as a comic in the play. Many candidates were able to identify the characters of Lakunle.
A good response should contain the following:

  • The theme of conflict between tradition and modernity.
  • Character identification of Lakunle as a half-educated, young, village school teacher who places western values above traditional customs. He is nearly 23 years, speaks bombast English, not truly modern and is exceedingly funny
  • Lakunle’s use of bombast: he uses incorrect words in place of similar-sounding words. This manner of using words makes him an object of derision and jokes, even from Sidi.
  • Lakunle is described in derogatory terms: he is tagged with derogatory names because the villagers find his ways ridiculous, interesting and provoking laughter. Sadiku calls him “the scarecrow”, “begone fop”.
  • Lakunle’s appearance and ridiculous behaviour: he is dressed in an old-style English suit. Ironically, his dressing portrays him as one who has little knowledge of the new culture he is advocating. His excessive concern to change Sidi into a ‘modern’ woman makes him act comically. Lakunle looks funny-ridiculous as he prostrates before Sidi begging her to accept his entreaties. Baroka makes Lakunle bow and prostrate before him.

Candidates’ performance in this question was good.