Geography Paper 2 WASSCE (PC), 2016


The weaknesses that were noticed from the candidates scripts were:

  1. Scanty Presentation of Points: Some of the candidates merely listed the points without giving adequate explanations. This made them lose precious marks.
  2. Mis-interpretation of Questions: Even though the question were clearly worded, yet some candidates misinterpreted some questions e.g. some candidates did not understand the terms “import substitution industries”, “light industries”, “destination region” and “source region”.
  3. Poor Handwriting: Some of the candidates wrote their answers in very bad handwritings that were illegible. This resulted in poor performance.
  4. Inability to Express Themselves: Some candidates could not express themselves in good language. This led to poor performance



The underlisted points are suggested as remedies to overcome the weaknesses mentioned above:

  1. Detailed Presentation of Points: Most geography questions would require full explanation of points to obtain full marks.
  2. Proper Understanding of the Demands of Questions: It is required of candidates to fully understand the demands of questions before attempting them.
  3. Development of Good Handwriting: It is required of candidates to write their points in legible handwritings in order for their examiners to decode what have been written down for appropriate scoring.
  4. Good Expressions: Candidates are expected to express themselves in correct English Language. They could develop their power of expression through reading of textbooks, newspapers and journals.