Fisheries Paper 3 Alt B, WASSCE (SC), 2017

Weakness and Remedies



Candidates’ weaknesses are highlighted as follows:

- inability to answer in sequence;
- wrong spellings;
- some candidates interchanged smoking for sun drying;
- inability to describe sun drying correctly;
- incorrect diagrams;
- inability to describe how specimen L is used to capture fish;
- inability to state the advantages of using specimen N to feed fish;
- inability to state the advantages and disadvantages of using fish basket to transport fish
- inability to add the term meal to fish ingredients that could be used in preparing specimen N;   
- using pen to draw instead of pencil;
- inability to identify specimens;
- using wrong words i.e. turgidity instead of turbidity;
- some labelled parts were wrongly positioned.

The following remedies were however suggested:

- teachers and candidates should read the chief examiners’ reports in order to improve the performance of their candidates;
- teachers should cover the examinations syllabus before examinations commence;
- candidates should be exposed to practical component of the subject in their formative years;
- each school offering fisheries should have a fish pond;
- teachers should provide correct specimens for candidates as stated in instructions disseminated to schools;
- candidates should improve their study habits.