Financial Accounting WASSCE (PC 2ND), 2022

Section A: Theory of Financial Accounting

Question 1


  1. (a) List the methods of Data Processing


    (b)List stages Involved in Data Processing





Candidates’ performance in this straight-forward question which was on methods and stages of data processing was fairly attempted by candidates scoring average marks. Their response to the question with unnecessary explanations where the requirements only needed listing points depicts candidates’ lack of understanding on the requirements of the questions.


Some of the suggested responses were:


1(a)Methods of Data Processing:

  1. Manual: This is the processing of data by human energy or efforts.
  2. Mechanical: It is the processing of data by the use of non-electronic machines or mechanical devices.
  3. Electronic: This is the processing of data by the use of computers and other electronic devices.


OR       It is the processing of data by use of automated machines.


1(b) Stages Involved in Data Processing:
These are:

  1. Input stage;
  2. Processing Stage;
  3. Output Stage.