Computer Studies Paper 3, WASSCE (SC), 2022

Question 1


1. Use Microsoft PowerPoint application to create the presentation on the topic “Computer Systems”.

(a) Use title and type “Computer Systems” with font type Arial Black and size 44 points

(b) Use title and content layout slide and type the following passage with font type: 

i. title in Algerian and size 40 points.

ii. content in Times New Roman and size 30 points.
A computer is a device that accepts information in the form of digitalized data and manipulates it for some results based on a program or sequence of instructions on how the data is to be processed.

(c) Insert next slide and type the following using the same font type and size in 1(b).


  1. By Type
  2. By Size
  3. By Purpose
  4. By Generation

(d) Insert next slide and type the following using same font type and size as in 1 (b)

Digital Computer
Analogue Computer
Hybrid Computer   (Note use bullet list for the items).

(e) Insert next slide and type the following using the same font type and size as in (b).

Micro Computer
Mini Computer
Mainframe Computer
Super Computer      (Note: Use a different list type for the items)

(f) Insert next slide and type the following using the same font type and size as in 1 (b).                 CLASSIFICATION BY GENERATION

      First Generation e.g. UNIIVAC
Second Generation e.g. HAVARD MARK II
Third Generation e.g. IBM 360
Fourth Generation e.g. Microcomputer
(Note: use a different list type for the items)

(g) Using Footer tool, insert your full name and index number with font size of 14 points bold.

(h) Save your work in the folder created on the desktop using your full name as the filename.

(i) Print your work and submit to the supervisor.




The expected answer is:

The question tested the ability of the candidates to use Microsoft PowerPoint application in creating slides. The Chief Examiner reported that majority of the candidates who attempted this question demonstrated high proficiency on the use of Microsoft PowerPoint application.