Commerce WASSCE (SC), 2023

Question 1


  1. Explain five factors that delayed the growth of commerce in West Africa.
  2. Using appropriate headings, classify the following workers:

(i)       oil driller;
(ii)      potter;
(iii)     policeman;
(iv)     brewer;
(v)      stock broker;
(vi)     mason;
(vii)    farmer.



Most candidates who attempted this question performed brilliantly. However, some candidates listed the points in (a) while others could not classify the workers in the appropriate headings.

The expected responses are.


(a)                    Factors that delayed the growth of commerce in West Africa

  • Raising large amounts of capital needed to make commerce viable was a big challenge to the growth of commerce in West Africa.
  • The absence of good transport systems such as high-speed trains and sea vessels hindered the movement of goods between countries. /Poor road network in many countries and those linking West African countries is still a major hindrance to the development of commerce.
  • Poor telecommunication systems in urban and rural areas reduced the accessibility to internet and telephone services needed to improve commerce in West Africa.
  • Lack of insurance companies that could cover greater risks across West Africa caused delay in the growth of commerce.
  • Poor development of the stock market in West Africa impeded raising large amounts of capital that would have improved the development of commerce.
  • Slow development of the commodity exchange market in many West African countries delayed the growth of commerce.
  • The absence of adequate warehousing facilities which could have avoided the loss of goods due to spoilage or bad handling delayed the growth of commercial activities.
  • Political instability in West Africa affected the development of commerce as commercial activities could not thrive in politically unstable environments.
  • Inadequate investment in new production technology has greatly stalled the growth of commerce in West Africa.
  •  Low savings in West Africa did not enhance the growth of commerce.
  • The rate of demand for goods and services was low and this affected the growth of commerce.


(b)         Classification of the following workers

Industrial                  Commercial               Service
Oil driller                     Stockbroker                 Policeman

Alternative solution 1

Primary                                  Secondary                  Tertiary Service
Oil driller                                 Brewer                        Stockbroker    
Farmer                                     Mason                         Policeman