Clothing and Textiles 2, WASSCE (PC), 2016

Question 1


They were required to state one function each of the following sewing tools:
 (i) Bodkin
(ii) Emery bag
(iii) Millinery needle
(b) State one use each of five different types of scissors
(c) List two equipments used in the sewing room

       (d) Outline four guide lines for choosing sewing equipment
Question 1a (i) on bodkin was answered correctly by almost all candidates
Emery bag in1a (iv) could not be defined by most of the candidates.
1a (v) on Millinery needle was strange to the candidates so they did not attempt it at all.
In 1(b), many candidates could not list the types of scissors correctly; this made them to loose marks. Most of the candidates could not list the equipment used in the sewing room correctly, many of them wrote tools instead of equipment, and this made them to perform badly in the question. In 1(d) many of the candidates responded well to guidelines for choosing sewing equipment.