Civic Education Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 8

(a) Define representative democracy.
(b) State three reasons Nigeria adopts representative democracy.
(c) List three factors that retard the growth of democracy in Nigeria.


The question was quite popular. The candidates that attempted it showed lack of understanding of the ideas of Nigerian society and political process. Apart from the definition of representative democracy which they gave in (a) part, and giving valuable points also in the (c) part, the (b) part troubled them a bit as they wrote about the benefits of representative democracy which led them to score low marks. What candidates are expected to write are outlined below:

Representative democracy: A form of government whereby eligible citizens elect their leaders through periodic elections to represent them at all levels of government for a fixed tenure.



  1. Large electorate size due to high population.
  2. Complex state structure of Nigerian government.
  3. Large territorial size of the country.
  4. Greater political participation.
  5. Complexity of many political issues.
  6. Desire to protect the interest of the minorities/ethnic diversities.
  7. Safeguarding the fundamental human rights of the citizens.



  1. Electoral Malpractice
  2. Lack of proper political education
  3. High level of illiteracy/ignorance
  4. High cost of running democracy
  5. Bribery and corruption
  6. Elections based on sentiments/ethnicity/tribalism/religion
  7. Sit-tight-syndrome/ tenure elongation
  8. Lack of respect for popular will by politicians
  9. Biased electoral umpire
  10. Military intervention in politics