Christian Religious Studies Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2016

Question 7

(ACTS 9:32-43)

(a) Highlight the activities of Peter in Lydda & Joppa.

(b) Identify two ways by which some pastors are hiding behind miracles to cause havoc in the society today.



This question was quite popular among the candidates; the flaw noticed was that, some of the candidates that attempted this question mixed up the activities of Peter that transpired in Lydda and Joppa. Expected points were;

i. Peter visited the Christians outside Jerusalem so as to encourage them in the faith.

ii. He visited Lydda where he came across a man named Aeneas who had been bedridden due to sickness for eight years.

iii. Peter prayed for Aeneas, and he was instantly healed.

iv. As a result of the healing, many people at Lydda and the nearby towns got converted, to the Lord.

v. While there, a disciple called Tabitha (Dorcas) died at Joppa. '

vi. She was a woman who was very charitable, always doing good and helping the poor.

vii. The brethren at Joppa heard of Peter's miracle at Lydda, so they sent for him.

viii. When Peter arrived he was taken into an upper room where Dorcas was laid in state.

ix. There were widows weeping and showing garments which Dorcas had made for them. x. Peter sent all the mourners out, knelt down, and prayed for Dorcas to come back to life.

xi. Tabitha then opened her eyes and on seeing Peter, sat up.

xii. Peter lifted her up and presented her alive to the disciples.

xiii. The miracle Peter performed brought much joy and many who heard of it believed in the Lord.

xiv. Peter stayed in Joppa for some time with a tanner named, Simon. T


he (b) part was better answered by the candidates in that they guessed the answers using the experiences of the happenings of their contemporary society to answer the question. The most notable point is the issues of materialism and prosperity preaching rampant among clergy men and candidates were able to capitalize on this key point. Other points expected by candidates included:

i. Extortion of money from people. Some pastors demand huge sums of money for their services, which is ungodly.

ii. Having affair with peoples' wives. Some pastors use questionable methods when praying for people to be healed

iii. Infringing on people's rights.

iv. Innocent lives are lost through unapproved practices/fake pastors.

v. Breaking homes apart through false prophecy (witchcraft)

vi. Acquiring satanic powers. (Occultism).

vii. Some pastors also curse their victims when they refuse to comply with their demands e.g. selling their items for the pastor.


On the whole, candidates' performance on this question was average.