Automobile Parts Mechandising Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Section B


Question 6


     Answer question three questions only from this section.

(a)  (i)What is warranty?
 (ii) Explain what is meant by quality of a product.

(b)  (i) State two requirements for effective control of quality.
(ii)    State four stages involved in quality control.

(c)  List three regulatory bodies responsible for maintaining products standard.




Most of the candidates that attempted this question number did well. However 6 (a) was not satisfactorily answered.  Here is its solution.

(a) (i)  Warranty is a written guarantee issued to the purchaser of an article by the manufacturer, promising to repair or replace it if necessary within a specified period of time.

(ii) Quality of a product is a set of specifications governing its functional performance, compositions, strength, shape, dimensions, etc.  The right quality is the degree or grade of
excellence which is appropriate for a particular purpose.