Automobile Parts Mechandising Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2018

Question 7


(a)        Distinguish between cataloguing and catalogue.
(b)        State four ways of locating auto parts in a shop using catalogue.
(c)        Explain six functions of a catalogue.



Most of the candidates who attempted this question performed poorly.  They could not provide the required responses to the various parts of the question.  The required responses to the various parts of the question are as follows:

(a)        Cataloguing is a process of sourcing goods by the use of documents that contain the pictures, prices, names and brands of the products available for sale to prospective buyers.

Catalogue, on the other hand, is a business document which shows the list of goods available for sale with description in pictorial form and prices of such goods.  In recent times due to technological advancement, catalogue may appear in electronic form called e-catalogue.

(b)        Four ways of locating auto parts in shops, using catalogues are:

-           through Brand name e.g. Toyota, Volkswagen.
-           manufacturers/make e.g. Japan, China e.t.c.
-           product category/type e.g. accessories, lubricant
-           according to supplier e.g. wholesale, retail.

(c)        Functions of a catalogue include:

-           it forms the basis that aid sale of products in a shop because customers being rationale would always like to look at it for purchase.

-           it enables customers to identify the product and the pattern they want to buy.

-           it shows the price of the products. 

-           it shows where and how product can be obtained.

-           catalogue helps in sorting the products sequentially i.e. it helps to sort products in specific order.

-           catalogue serves as a communication link between the company and outside world.