Automobile Parts Mechandising Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2017

Section B


Question 4


  1. What is visual aid in sales presentations?
  2. List six common visuals used by salesmen in their presentation.
  3. State six uses of visuals in sales presentation.


This question was extremely difficult for the candidates as they could not provide the required
responses to the various parts of the question.

The required responses to the various parts of the question are:

(a)        Visual aid is a device that helps a prospect achieve mental image of the product features, advantages and benefits.


            Visual aid is any device that aids prospects’ memory retention and attracts them to the product.

(b)        Some common visuals are

-           product display;
-           charts and graphics illustrating product, features, price tags, advantages and benefits;
-           photographs and videos of the product and its uses;
-           models and features of products;
-           devices such as videos, slides, audio cassettes of product features;
-           sales manuals and product catalogs;
-           order forms;
-           letters of testimony of products ;
-           a copy of the guarantee;
-           flip boards and posters;
-           advertisements samples

(c)       Uses of visuals in sales presentation     

  • They are used to increase the prospects memory retention of the product.
  • They are used to reinforce the messages from other promotional tools.
  • They are used to clear misconception/misunderstanding about products.
  • They are used to create a unique and lasting impression about the products.
  • To capture the attention and interest of prospects.
  • To enhance communication.
  • To facilitate sales presentation.
  • To enable a sales person win customer patronage.
  • To buttress claim about the uses and benefits of the product.