Animal Husbandry Paper 3 WASSCE (SC), 2016


The candidates were able to:
-  state the ways of controlling specimen A (Tapeworm);  
-  list the nutrients contained in specimen B (Fish meal);                                         
-  name the ectoparasites that could infest the farm animal from which
specimen C (Hide of cattle) was obtained;
-  mention the nutrients that could be found in specimen G (Raw milk);
-  list the ways of preserving specimen G (Raw milk);
-  name the farm animals which possess specimen H (Gizzard);
-  state the disadvantages of using specimen J (Hurricane lantern) in a    
-  state the uses of specimen K (Snail);
-  enumerate the uses of specimen L (Knife) on an animal farm;
-  name the nutrients supplied by blood meal;
-  mention the products that could be obtained from specimen Q (Rabbit);
-  name the ectoparasites that could infest specimen Q (Rabbit).