Animal Husbandry Paper 2 May/June 2015

Question 3

  (a)     State six disadvantages of natural incubation.                          [6 marks]

  (b)     State six factors which could be responsible for high incidence of mortality in a brooder house.               [6 marks]

  (c)     Give two reasons for candling eggs.                                       [2 marks]

  (d)     Outline the steps involved in the processing of beeswax.       [6 marks]



This question was well attempted by the candidates.  In 3(a), majority of the candidates were able to state the disadvantages of natural incubation.  Also, most of the candidates were able to state the factors that could cause high incidence of mortality in a brooder house and give reasons for candling of eggs as required in 3(b-c)

However, most of the candidates could not outline the steps involved in the processing of beeswax as required in 3(d)

The expected answers include:

(3) (d)  Steps involved in the processing of beeswax

-         Fill a cooking pot with water
-         Heat water over fire
-         Add beeswax to the warm water in the pot
-         Pour all the molten beeswax into a moulding container
-         Allow it to solidify
-         Remove/evacuate wax
-         Store in a cool dry place