Painting And Decorating Paper 2 WASSCE (SC), 2023

Question 5

           (a) Define the term batch number.

            (b) List any five common grounds.
            (c)  With the aid of a diagram, explain concertina folding.


Few candidates skipped the question, another set answered the question fairly and also another group answered out of point. The performance of the candidates to this question was not satisfactory. They were expected to provide the following answers in order to score good marks:

(a)        It is an identification number printed on the back of the material at the end of the roll or on a label inserted beneath the transparent cover.

(b)        Jaspe;
-           chintz;
-           satin;
-           moire;
-           satinette;
-           metallic.

(c)        It is a method of folding long lengths of pasted covering to be applied to ceilings or horizontally to walls.